By Anonymous - 01/06/2012 14:29 - Austria - Vienna
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 16/03/2023 02:00
Another great day to be alive
By Anonymous - 26/07/2021 21:59 - Germany
Naps are important
By bigdikbubls - 01/12/2020 05:58 - Barbados - Bridgetown
By Anonymous - 04/05/2023 22:00 - Sweden
By Anonymous - 11/11/2023 14:00 - Australia - Perth
By Noname - 22/02/2009 06:14 - Australia
Teamwork works
By Anonymous - 16/02/2021 01:58 - Australia
Perfect timing
By Poopalipa - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 17/12/2018 13:30
By Anonymous - 13/09/2010 09:40 - Canada
Top comments
Sounds like everyday of my life.
I'm procrastinating by being on here right now.
me too. it's terrible
Really? All y'all are dumb. I don't procrastinate at a-... I'll finish that sentence later.
I'm in class right now.
I wouldn't say it's terrible, I think procrastination has improved my quality of life considerably. Until the deadlines come around.
is anyone else wondering why this is an fml?
Procrastinators unite!!! ...Tomorrow.
Nice one 146 lol
Procrastibation is the way forward my friends.
^ are you ******* serious?
60, "What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?"
Wow, made that one up yourself?
"What does procrastination mean?" "Meh, I'll tell you tomorrow." -Animaniacs (If anybody even remembers that show)
Procrastinating is like masterbating your just screwing yourself.
Procrastibation? Is there a new form of masturbation I should know about?
U stole that from #146
Why do everything today? You'll just be bored tomorrow.
OP, you're not lazy, your just too busy avoiding work.
Not to make a decision is a decision in itself.
Why is this on FML again..?
Because procrastination
Fyl... Procrastination sucks
Procrastination is the single best thing after lazy days :)
Procrastination is just like masturbation - either way you are ******* yourself. OP, when you feel overwhelmed, pick a simple thing on your to do list. Once it's done, the sense of accomplishment should help you get going. Sort the rest by priority and do the most important thing. If they're all equally important, do the most difficult or time-consuming. Once that's out of the way, the rest won't seem as daunting.
Putting off work to ********** = Procrasterbation.
Good life decisions...
Sounds like a pretty good life to me then :)
Same for me. Only reason why I'm on here is because I'm procrastinating!!:p it's okay OP your not alone ;)
Searching for the right, but it keeps avoiding meeeee...
Sounds like me
Spoken like a true hero
He who starts lasts finishes last

Maybe being a lazy ass started the problem you have now. Way to prolong it. Soon you'll be a hoarder. Way to win.
Work -> procrastination -> hoarding You are definitely on the right track.
Dafuq does that have to do with hoarding
6- Your makeup and picture remind me of DOCTOROCTAGONAPUSS BAWHHH!
Haha wow, bitch
procrastinating = no study no study = fail fail = no diploma no diploma = no work no work = no money no money = poor poor = no food no food = sickly skinny sickly skinny = ugly ugly = no marriage no marriage = no children no children = alone alone = depression depression = sickness sickness = death MORAL OF THE STORY IS DON'T PROCRASTINATE!
**** off, if anything procrastination leads to obesity, not being 'sickly skinny'
I think 6 and 99 could be best friends, no? They both say qually stupid crap. :O
*equally. Jeez, embarrassing...
99 - Who studies?
I agree
99, you've got it all wrong. It's keep spare pens. and 6, I honestly think that hoarding is different from disorganization, which I think you meant to say.
There's nothing but stupid in this...
All I'm trying to say is that if you have shit to do, just suck it up and do it. Completely ignoring the issue, no matter the reasoning, just makes it worse.
99- that was just obnoxious. (I just recently saw an episode of hoarders where the person kept feeling overwhelmed and that was the reason their problems kept getting worse. To those of you wondering why I mentioned hoarding...)
Wear a real shirt please?
Lmao, 6 changed her picture after my comment about her laser-look alike photo.
No biggie. I have thick skin. I was wearing a costume anyway.
Way to fail 6
Prioritizing, my friend, is something you need to learn about :)! Start from most to least!
WHAT DID YOU HAVE TO DO?! I need to know because I'm nosy and slightly insane.
You're picture kinda scares me but I like it…
Oops. Lol I usually get that right.

Sounds like everyday of my life.
'I'm not lazy, I just don't do stuff'