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By crashingdown - 29/05/2010 05:28 - Australia

Today, I had a weird dream I woke up on the bathroom floor at my local gym. Turns out it wasn't a dream, and I passed out from "overworking myself". I was on the treadmill for under 5 minutes, walking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 090
You deserved it 14 594

Same thing different taste

First impressions

By Anonymous - 01/12/2024 15:00 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I joined a gym. I’m overweight and not very athletic, so I was nervous. I looked around and tried a treadmill. I start walking at a chill pace, then got ambitious and cranked it to a "light jog." Within seconds, I tripped, fell, and sent the emergency stop button flying across the room. The gym staff ran over and I swear someone said, “Well, at least he’s trying.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 481
You deserved it 127

Top comments

Mr_Zachary 0

At first I thought, "Maybe drugs?" but I soon came to the realization that it was... *Gasp* OBESITY!!!

here's a thought. as long as we're assuming that the OP is fat, maybe, in an extreme attempt to lose weight, stopped eating all together along with exercise. So, if you haven't eaten in a few days and try to walk on a treadmill, there is a good possibility that you could pass out. Or, maybe the OP is diabetic due to his/her weight. Then they have a blood sugar spike and then they faint. Or the OP is a teenage girl who isn't fat at all, but is convinced she is, so she becomes Anorexic and passes out due to lack of eating (see point 1) but who cares, let's just make fun of the fatty, right?


epic!! I doubt that's why u passed out tho..

I'm pretty sure you got raped... same thing happened to me. check your butthole and make sure it's not bloody or anything. and make sure you can poop normally.

advent2060 4

ahahaha u fail at life u fat **** =]

TaylorTotsYumm 10

13, I agree... although I'm not fat... I'm 5 10 and 140lbs

#13 wasn't talking to you. Duuurrrrrr.

well, that applies to me anyways(except the second part) I missread his comment, sorry

25 are you okayy, your messages have seemed depressing lately :(

this might not be a fat **** issue. OP might have a serious medical issue that needs attention.

oh snap atleast u didn't try to b a secret agent and dive off of it and hit ur head and then pass out and ppl were laughing at u. I try 2 look on the bright side of things 

you're hot.(: just thought you should know,

olivesaur 0

how in the world did you end up in the bathroom?

iSitt 0

I heard there is a hole in the ozone layer over Australia. maybe it's cosmic rays that knocked you out. do you have any strange new powers now ?

Ouchh op, may i say fail? :P and #9 your kinda hot :$ lol

Granddragon 0

#71 anti-flood is what New Orleans couldn't afford. It comes with anti-loot built in.

Rofl. I'm assuming you're talking about Hurricane Katrina? If so, you're a prick. I live in Louisiana and it wasn't just New Orleans that got gangbanged by water. All over the place it flooded, in New Orleans it just ended up that the shitty levis decided to bust from too much water. Get your shit straight before insulting stuff. Kthxbai

lmao this is probably going to be me if I go to te gym after work today day 2 of only having 5 hrs of sleep gonna go for day 3 with 8 hrs of sleep haha o_O

TaylorTotsYumm 10
WolfsGuns 0

I don't know if this is just me but how did the op pass out on a tredmill and ended up waking in the bathroom 0.o

yay 97!! I live on Louisiana also, and NOLA was the worst hit, but other areas on the gulf coast were also hit pretty badly. it really is gay to see people make fun of new Orleans. it's not cool. it still a badass 97

so does this mean having sex is impossible for you ??

soo to clarify, you didn't have a dream?

I soo hope OP actually fainted because of the heat combined with the working out, coz if not, than that's entirely sad /:

abbyabb 4

I like how u also hav a pic in snow

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48 idk if you know this but um op was at a gym lmao

The OP should hang a Twinkie on a string in front of them while on the treadmill. instant motivation.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Nobody said he was fat. Skinny people can be out of shape too. OP might just be a lazy ****, not necessarily a lazy FAT ****. Just sayin

Allybuns 0

ummm I just gottta say everyone who saying hot at number 17 look like 12 year olds sept for the blonde.....rape......

Um not just fat people are unfit. I haven't worked out in years because of my severe asthma and back surgery I had. I went on a cycle for 3 minutes and almost fainted. I went on another machine another day and fainted. It's just harder for some people to work out an it takes longer to get accustomed to the strain it puts on you

lenin 0

YDI, both for being a fatass and for going to a gym when you can always just walk around for free...

godofcyanide 8

Because it's easy to assume and make fun of the fatty. It's quite possible OP has a medical condition he's been unaware of. Also could just be a freak occurrence. No, just "YDI for bein a fatty hahaha." :/

Sun_Kissed18 25

Ok well even if he is fat, which he could have some kind of condition or something, he is trying to work out. I do agree about the tredmills, they aren't as beneficial as actually walking

I definitely agree it is probably an unknown medical condition. If not, a person doesn't have to be fat to be out of shape. I'm 5'6" and size 6 but can't run a mile.

Mr_Zachary 0

At first I thought, "Maybe drugs?" but I soon came to the realization that it was... *Gasp* OBESITY!!!

TaylorTotsYumm 10

how much do you weigh to over work yourself doing that :-S

I'd say this is both a YDI and a FYL. YDI for not stopping sooner so you passed out. FYL for actually passing out. OP, do yourself a favor and get yourself checked out by a doctor. It's never a good sign when you pass out after 5 minutes of mild exercise. It could indicate a heart problem or something. To all people calling OP fat, I hope you die in a fire.

Mr_Zachary 0

*Sets himself on fire* Is this what you waaant?! IS IT?!?!?! UUAAAAHHAHHUUUUUUUAAA!!!

lenin 0

It's strongly implied. Most people who actually submit things to FML are fat, whiny assholes. What other demographic would complain about this online instead of seeking medical help? Hell, maybe they're diabetic and had a blood sugar spike. The world may never know.

So just cuz I called someone fat means I should die in a fire? Tell op that they could "burn" some fat

OP you are apparently at a level of health I would refer to as "Mr. Burns"

bradmason 0

Lmfao! 14- that actually made me burst out laughing haha i can imagine mr burns doin that, OP probably is a mr burns but a fatter one lol can just imagine OP trying to swuash a fly and gettin pwned! lol

u should def get checked out by a dr. and 4 every1 calling op fat I hope a fat person sits on ya. HAHA

lenin 0

I honestly don't see what's wrong with pointing that out. If you're fat, you need to ******* do something about it. Going to the gym and immediately passing out just makes you fat AND retarded.

godofcyanide 8

For the record, too, some people have other issues that screw with their weight - most notably prescription psychoactive medications and glandular problems. But again, it's so easy to just say "YDI for being fat." Ignorance. It's lovely, no? :/

I think u get offended cause your fat...

lol he's not fat! look at his picture you moron :)

So, do you walk on a treadmill in the bathroom or did you really think going in there would make you feel better? Also, it's a restroom. Unless your local gym has baths. That would be weird.

TaylorTotsYumm 10
TaylorTotsYumm 10

YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAHH! Were you trying to be sarcastic in that comment or what? couldn't tell..

Why are you hatin that OP said "bathroom"? The room probably doesn't have baths, but it probably has showers and definitely has water. That's closer than a "restroom".. no beds! Personally, I say both, but I don't get annoyed if I hear someone say the other... or Europeans who say toilet, etc. It's just regional; get over it, and welcome to the World Wide Web.