By latter - 24/09/2013 00:05 - United States - Middle River

Today, I had to explain to my brother why it's not OK to stick his knob in the toaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 325
You deserved it 3 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Kids these days need to learn things to hard way.

incoherentrmblr 21

I understand using a bagel after it's been in the toaster, but the toaster itself is taking it a little further...

Please give us an age here. If we're talking toddler, fine. School age and up? The only reason to stop him is liability.

an3ph 20

Why explain it? Let him find out for himself, hopefully removing himself from the gene pool in the process.

Should have just let him do it. See what happens, lol

Self solving problem; toasted penis, shocked penis... no more penis in toaster. You there have the essence of parenting :)

CaroAurelia 12

Why would anybody need that explained to them?!?