By latter - 24/09/2013 00:05 - United States - Middle River

Today, I had to explain to my brother why it's not OK to stick his knob in the toaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 311
You deserved it 3 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments


PrimeStarscream 30

At least his stupidity won't be reproduced if he keeps it up.

HA!!!!! what an idiot. How old is you're brother.

He'll probably forget to unplug it one day, and then he'll understand why it's a bad idea.

ulissey_fml 22

He really took it at heart when he was told he was his Mother's Pride !!

i have found out with kids, if they don't like the results of the first time they do it, they won't do it again

Exactly how would it even fit in a rectangular shaped opening?

Turn the power on and let the toaster explain.

Hey let him learn the hard way. I mean seriously those things reach 400+ degrees. He won't make that mistake twice...and if he makes it ONCE then your new claim to fame will be the brother of a DARWIN AWARD WINNER!