By latter - 24/09/2013 00:05 - United States - Middle River

Today, I had to explain to my brother why it's not OK to stick his knob in the toaster. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 325
You deserved it 3 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Did the explaining involve turning the toaster on?

Just turn it on and let him learn from experience

reymon8823 24
Goblin182 26

This is one of these things that people shold find out for themselves.

Let him figure it out. Give him the toaster and buy a new one.

ViviMage 39

He just wants cream cheese on his toasted bagel!

blackbeltpsycho 16

Who just gets the idea "You know, I feel like ******* a toaster today."?

Is this to get the toast out or just for fun?