By Anonymous - 20/03/2010 08:38 - Australia

Today, I had to explain to my dad why it is important for him to clear the browsing history after watching sexual explicit material on the family computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 180
You deserved it 4 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IzabellaBlack 0

That doesn't even make grammatical sense


this is why I stream **** on my iPod instead of the computer. the selection may not be as large, but it gets the job done.

wow OP Is an uptight bitch "sexually explicit matrial?" is saying the word **** really that hard...

amandansqueak 0

If you watch ****, you're nasty. Must not be gettin' any!

I am not really sure why he needs to clear the browser history...? I mean if everybody knows (like in my family) then what's the big deal. Plus, why are you looking through the browser history? It's not like you have to click on the sites... This embarrassing momment could have been made better if you had just sucked it up and cleared the history yourself if it bothered you that much.