By anon - 17/12/2015 18:45

Today, I had to explain to someone in my class who Gandhi really was and that he was not a fictional goblin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 639
You deserved it 1 653

Same thing different taste

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Day by day my faith in the long term survival of our species is slowly being whittled away. Stuff like this literally hurts my brain.

I'm so surprised that in a computer generation people are just dumber than ever with all the knowledge at their fingertips and yet people say things like this so common sense is not so common and ignorance is running rampant


So? Not everyone knows who he is. Yes, I knew and yes you knew. I hope you didnt treat him (or her) like an idiot.

People who actually pay attention in class know who he is

I bet Andy Serkis could do a fine Gandhi.

Yeah... I once had to explain to a girl in my class that Al Qaeda wasn't a country. Another didn't know who won WW2. Some people are just stupid.

Railroader 16

He is the goblin that took Harry Potter to his vault at grinnagotts.

Anyone else ever write out a super long comment then when you are about to post it you think "Well what's the point" and move onto something else?


Oh my! Now that is sad to hear. I did have a good laugh at it though. Sorry OP. Sucks to be you

In my class as well, Mahatma Ghandi was also compared to a goblin.

Ghandi? The one who plays nice and wants to be your friend and then nukes the hell out of you? Don't believe his lies.