By Jesse - 10/05/2012 21:22 - United States - Bothell

Today, I had to get a prostate exam. Right before the doctor started, he told me that if I found it awkward at all, I should just imagine I was being probed by aliens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 066
You deserved it 2 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lukep135 6

I personally like to imagine a fat redneck stroking my rectum during prostate exams, but to each his own


What?!? It's not true? My Doctor has some "splaining" to do....

You must have seen the I Love Lucy Show.

Was this doctor in a white, windowless van? I fell for that once too.

Taking a wild guess here butt was he in a santa costume and giving out candy as well?

TarieBoo 2

because that would make it all the less awkward._.

Not that there's anything wrong with a little alien anal probing!

linkinpark98 23

I knew E.T. looked sketchy.....

Yeah because that would make it less awkward

It's only awkward when you feel both of the doc's hands on your shoulders....

That makes things wayyy more awkward