By Aciliveth - 10/06/2010 16:07 - Canada

Today, I had to get an ultrasound, which required me to drink 3 glasses of water beforehand. The doctor said I had too much and told me to go pee out just a little and come back. It took a lot of effort to hold the rest in. The first thing she did when I got back was press on my abdomen. I peed myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 075
You deserved it 4 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

incase you didn't know, it's really hard to hold it when your pregnant...hence the whole ULTRASOUND part.

lol of that happened to me I would blame it on the bitch who pressed it.


oooh that sucks ! im sorry to hear that ! fyl

twinkiee_fml 0

why didn't she just pee it all out ? 

Lovelydefiance00 0

what the?! how can you hold pee in while learning about having a baby! after I pissed my self, scream out. "try holding your piss in bitch. then leave

MrCalves 1

ydi for getting an ultrasound

allyj 0

Seriously? YDI for getting a medical procedure? STFU you asshole. I've gotten an ultrasound of my bladder and it had to be completely full... but the doctor obviously has to push on your abdomen a little, and any amount of pressure was horrible. OP ruined the entire procedure by emptying her bladder.

MollyyMakeout 0

allyj- I doubt he was serious.

looks u got the juice *puts on glasses* squeezed outta u YEAAYEEAAAAHHH

flcl2 2

can somebody explain to me WHY the **** people feel the NEED to type out a comment about how HOT some girl's pic is? 1. you DO know that that pic is pic #271 after 2 hours of make up, getting the right lighting, angle and bra on to maximize cleavage exposure? 2. knowing that that girl obviously spent 5 hours to take 1 picture for the ego boost, why the HELL would you ultimately STROKE it? congrats. you managed to point out what a complete loser you are while making a ***** feel good about herself.

pingpongpickle 8

I don't know who you're talking about, but stop ******* **** shaming you stupid shit

good luck with child birth if you think this is an FML.

SourCandyyz 0

well that's embaressing... and kinda gross :/