By RockedSystem - 22/04/2009 05:39 - United States

Today, I had to give a massage to an obese person with rank smelling fungus growing in between their skin folds. They tipped me two dollars. My hands still smell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 491
You deserved it 5 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i think i just threw up a little in my mouth

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Gross...that's why I will never be a masseuse


That is horrible O_o I feel for you I trained as a masseuse too...

snoopy24_fml 0
koolkat27 13

ignorant asses like yourself are gross.

Try rubbing cooking vanilla into your hands. :)

sneakersneaker 0

Fat people are the worst. Can't you refuse a customer if they're... you know... disgusting?

I think you can get sued if you refuse them

You have to have a better reason than "I think your gross" but yea as a therapist you can refuse to treat anyone you're not comfortable working on

poolshark 0

haha @ "barks in own mouth" and "arf" response!

Shouldn't you have been able to decline on an Occupational Health and Safety basis? You poor thing that is disgusting! I also think you should put the price up for obese people as there is triple the surface area and you are doing triple the work.

000001 0

Didn't you wear surgical gloves?

Why should you EXPECT a tip at all? You're already getting paid for the service, but now you want more on top of it? If you want more than that, set your prices higher. Also, YDI for choosing a job that you KNOW you will be working with a lot of different people, not all of them squeaky clean models. I wouldn't care so much about "disgusting obese people" as I would "nasty hairy men."

you're an idiot, that's the same train of thought that people have that only leave a server a dollar tip on a big check. you always tip based on percentage of the original price. why is that so hard to understand?

But it's not really a tip if you're expected to pay it... They may as well add it onto the price. I think you should only tip if the server deserves it

What you're neglecting for servers is that most don't make minimum wage because it isn't required if they are allowed tips. Some of my server friends were making 2.38 an hour without tips.