By King.Dick. - 02/04/2015 14:21 - United States - Windsor Heights

Today, I had to give a presentation at school about King Richard III. I realized too late that someone had changed his name to "King Dick" on all the slides. My little sister later broke into hysterics and confessed this had been her April Fool's prank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 048
You deserved it 2 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully, with any luck, your peers would find it just as hilarious and your teacher will find a way to forgive the situation. Always double check, OP! Little sisters can't be trusted...


Huh. I didn't know Americans study British royalty.

I'd imagine it's in line with recent events and his reinterment.

Knightchaser27 25

I know I had to study some Shakespeare plays in high school,maybe that's what OP's class is doing.

I don't know how it works in other schools, but in my high school our first two years of history courses were western civ/world history.

Oh man, I was laughing when I read the post. You could say little sister is the King of April Fools.

For future reference, if this is PowerPoint, there's a shortcut to locate and replace words, ctrl+L I think. It can replace all words for another in the entire document in a few seconds, handy for stuff like this. (Also it's probably how she did it hehehe)

annika16 5

Wouldn't the joke be on her?

Hopefully you didn't get points off of your presentation due to it! I'm assuming you did but I'm gonna hope for the best!

Well, technically Dick is short for Richard so it isn't really wrong :P. Probably not what Shakespeare had in mind though :).

I have to admit, it was pretty good for an April Fool's day joke.

ADBurns 22

Honestly I'm crying here too PMSL

This is why it pays to invest some time and effort into finding a safe but easy to use file locker or encrypter. Or hell just use Deep Freeze

That must've been an.... interesting presentation... younger siblings eh?