By pissed_off_girl - 01/04/2013 02:59 - United States - Falls Church

Today, I had to proof-read a terrible paper containing a bunch of mistakes. It took me 4 hours and I didn't eat dinner until I was done. His response when he got it back was, "What the fuck did you do to my paper?! You bitch!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 663
You deserved it 3 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir_ND_Pity 35

"I took all of the stupid out of it! " Too bad you can't do that with people. Sorry, OP, FYL!

Grootensliven 10

He's just pissed off that you could improve on his work that he thought was perfect.


I hope you two are not related by marriage or birth!

kra1985 8

Does anyone else wonder who HE is... Boyfriend, husband, brother, roommate etc... ? Maybe i just missed it...

Hey you tried to help him and he said that... Curse him out ... and next time let him fail and maybe he'll appreciate the next person who tries to help him

Ungrateful bitch he was. Don't offer your help to him again.

graceinsheepwear 33

Well, considering you misspelled proofread in your first sentence by hyphenating it, maybe he had a point.

This is what happens when mommy and daddy tell little Billy that he's special, and awesome, and can never do wrong, despite the fact that he's a blathering idiot

Wow! I would've been so greatful! Finding a good proof reader in school was so hard!

Don't do it for him again. He is ungrateful. As far as the name calling goes...teach him never to do that again

Kamibu 12

My mom transcribes for doctors, and I proof for her. The grammar, punctuation, and flow are universally terrible (yes, they do dictate punctuation, sometimes.); after I edit, they'll review it, adjust/add things, send it back to finalize, and CHANGE BACK some of the things I fixed, occasionally scolding me for it. I snark all over the hard copies (easier for me to proof) before correcting the digital ones, I'd go insane if I didn't.