By stainseverywhere - 01/02/2012 07:11 - United States

By stainseverywhere - 01/02/2012 07:11 - United States
By M. Moore - 12/06/2019 22:00
By M. Moore - 10/06/2019 18:00
By nature - 25/09/2017 23:15
By Dirty - 23/02/2017 08:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 17/06/2022 21:00 - Canada - Fredericton
By Kay - 02/06/2013 19:00 - India - Nagari
By socreepedouticanteven - 27/10/2014 00:05 - United States - Procious
By proud cashier - 08/05/2024 05:00 - United States
By Sad Mom - 25/07/2015 02:04 - United States - Wylie
By smellsgood - 13/03/2010 19:32 - United States
if he was a pornstar he wouldn't be using his hand
In that case he would be receiving handjobs and would still not need his hand.
........4. my jokes are never funny.
Okay, 13, you really need to stop thinking about this 13-year-old CHILD as a **** star. It's REALLY creeping me out how much "thought" and time you're putting into it.
Obviously that means your not raising him right. Your son is an irresponsible pervert. # guys are creepers
you seem very understanding
Get him a spooj rag or a "love sock". That may contain the mess and keep the household stock tissue from being depleted. You may want to have him handle his own laundry. If he is old enough to wank off he is old enough to sort and do his own laundry.
I'm pretty sure that is normal for a boy of that age. The majority of parents go through this at some point. Therefore, I really don't consider this an FML...
He's being green. Why use a tissue and that has to be purchased when you can use a washable cloth... Think of the environment!!!
Seems like a pretty normal conversation to me.. At least you're cool enough to acknowledge it like that.
Im not even a guy and I agree, a least she's not telling him that he'll go blind if he keeps doing it
Unrelated topics are unrelated.
Yeh, I say wet dreams and he probably doesn't even realise it's happening. If u have a son that likes to wank off into his pjs and then sleep in them then yes...FUL
I guess it depends on where the crispiness is. If it's in the ankles, it's either from masturbating or your son is bad-slash-fic!Draco Malfoy.
rattusrattus - I got that joke, even if those who thumbed you down didn't. Oh, fanfiction. :D
Well its normal for everyone to do.. But id imagine that just but uncomfortable!
Hmm expect to see a lot of tissues next time you walk past a bin.