By stainseverywhere - 01/02/2012 07:11 - United States
Same thing different taste
Teenage Kicks
By M. Moore - 12/06/2019 22:00
By M. Moore - 10/06/2019 18:00
By nature - 25/09/2017 23:15
By Dirty - 23/02/2017 08:00 - Canada
Mommie issues
By Anonymous - 17/06/2022 21:00 - Canada - Fredericton
By Kay - 02/06/2013 19:00 - India - Nagari
By socreepedouticanteven - 27/10/2014 00:05 - United States - Procious
None of my business
By proud cashier - 08/05/2024 05:00 - United States
By Sad Mom - 25/07/2015 02:04 - United States - Wylie
By smellsgood - 13/03/2010 19:32 - United States
Top comments
must be why my mom started making me do my own laundry at 13 lol
That's just awkward for everyone. At least you didn't scorn "touching" himself. And even taught him a more discreet method.
This made me lol so hard
So first of all, you had no business saying anything. I don't think a little crispy was hurting you when you put his clothes in the wash. Second, tissues are a bad idea for cleanup. Try cleaning something sticky with a tissue and I think you'll understand what I mean. Use a little sense next time.
I was eating when I read this.
Are you serious? Can you read? The kid didn't ask anything...the MOTHER did.
Well its normal for everyone to do.. But id imagine that just but uncomfortable!
Hmm expect to see a lot of tissues next time you walk past a bin.