By piliseep - 03/10/2017 04:30

Today, I had to sit outside with nothing but a large bottle of wine to keep me company and no way to block out the sounds of my cousins loudly having sex with my two roommates upstairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 118
You deserved it 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Relax, it will probably only last five minutes at the most.

If only wine bottles came with something that could be used to block tubes like those formed by ear canals… oh well.


Well maybe you could have had first go at the cousins?

It was meant as humor - Having first go at his own cousins....


I would have left and took a walk...not just listen to it...or put some music on lol

Relax, it will probably only last five minutes at the most.

If only wine bottles came with something that could be used to block tubes like those formed by ear canals… oh well.

Lobby_Bee 17

Why would this be a problem? You got a crush on your roommates?

Do you enjoy sitting around and listening to others have sex with you in the same apartment/house?

BurnyThroaty 5

I'm pretty sure you could have found someplace to move to so you couldn't hear.

So you could have left and came back when they were done.

Why didn't you just join them. This way at least you have some fun also

chubbear 14

Yeah because that that's not disgusting :/