By missprude666 - 19/01/2012 08:32 - Australia

Today, I had to sit through 10 minutes of hearing a man on the tram tell his friend in explicit detail about all the filthy sex acts he'd like to do to me. His friend told him to take a photo to jack off to later. When I tried to tell the tram driver, he told me to "take it as a compliment." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 222
You deserved it 4 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

strike up a conversation about how much you miss having a penis, and are regretting the surgery.


The_9th_Doctor 18

should have punched him in the mouth

Time to change the time you take the tram or just find a different route to get where you need to...maybe carpool/take a bus...

You should've punched or kicked that fool in the nuts.

Buy some pepper spray. If anything like this ever happens again, turn around and give it to him. Tell him to take it as a compliment.

Report the tram driver, his neglect could have put you in harm's way.

it's neat how anyone can write anything on here, even if it isn't true

InfiniteSecret 20

This is vile. Anyone who believes that this is a compliment needs serious help.