By missprude666 - 19/01/2012 08:32 - Australia

Today, I had to sit through 10 minutes of hearing a man on the tram tell his friend in explicit detail about all the filthy sex acts he'd like to do to me. His friend told him to take a photo to jack off to later. When I tried to tell the tram driver, he told me to "take it as a compliment." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 222
You deserved it 4 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

strike up a conversation about how much you miss having a penis, and are regretting the surgery.


1. Never ever say "sex acts" again. 2. That was gross and wrong and you should of gone over and kicked him in the balls. If he has any. Sounds like over compensation to me.

cacklecakes101 4

Tram drivers in Australia aren't always that crash hot. Pardon the pun.

Grab his phone and snap it in two. Then when he yells at you just tell him you didn't give him permission to take you pic

This makes me glad I wear my headphones everywhere.

chubby_choco 17

Ugh. Men like that are the reason lesbians exist.

Because that's normal behavior of two mates..

aezakmi1 2

he was like the dude on Hall Pass... Spank Bank

U should have punched him in the face

You should of used pepper spray on both of them