By annabellatrix - 14/09/2015 18:20 - Hungary

By annabellatrix - 14/09/2015 18:20 - Hungary
By pokeballbra - 17/10/2011 05:44 - United States
By scarlet - 09/05/2011 15:02 - Canada
By bridezilla - 05/07/2009 04:12 - Canada
By needanewride - 16/11/2012 02:40 - United States - Newton Center
By Julie - 31/03/2009 01:43 - Canada
By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 04:53 - United States
By SadAndAlone - 03/12/2015 16:41 - Sweden - Nacka
By Anonymous - 27/06/2009 08:20 - Japan
By missprude666 - 19/01/2012 08:32 - Australia
By Anonymous - 18/05/2018 20:30
Well, on the bright side, you must be pretty good looking if he was that dedicated, but I don't that that's how anyone wants to be told that. Though definitely get some prepper spray or something if you ever see him again.
Or he gets off on creeping people out. That requires zero attraction to the person they're creeping out.
I think it probably actually doesn't say much about how attractive she is anyways. the guy is obviously a creep. she should be going to the police. or kicking him in the junk. I'd probably do both really
as satasfying as it would be to kick him in the balls, after doing so going to the police might be a bad idea because I do believe that is assault or some similar charge.
This is the 3rd comment where you state you would've nailed the guy The hells wrong with you? First off the guys a creep call the cops or get somebody to intimidate him second idk who you think you are but most guys will recover from a kick in the nuts and come back more angry and stronger then ever it's called adrenaline I don't know who you are little girl but your not tough your not strong your not a lethal weapon your not immune to the law you are a weak female now I don't mean to trash women their are some strong women on this planet but you not any women who calls themselves strong isn't strong I'm so tired of this shit stop talking speak with actions then watch that guy break your face Few men stay down to a kick to the groin and if that's the only attack you got your gonna f***ing die Yours truly A pissed of 18 year old
First off, if you want to rant you should learn grammar. And it's pretty hard to tell someone they are weak when you don't know them. As you backtracked, some women are very strong. I don't think acknowledging it makes you lose strength. I'd say most wrestlers and martial artists admit their strength. And second, I was /always/ told to aim for the groin to get away. Most men will go down and stay down for long enough to get away with a strong kick from anyone. It's a very sensitive area, I've heard of men going down and throwing up from accidental or 'playful' hits to the groin. Really, your rant just seems pathetic. Sincerely, An annoyed 18 year old.
53: 'any women who calls themselves strong isn't strong', lol what? That's a big assumption. Besides, I've heard a kick to the nuts is extremely painful if you do it hard enough. If you were being attacked it'd certainly be a useful option... even for a 'weak female'.
53 well done, you've officially announced to the world you're a blatant misogynist lmao, as if you referred to some random woman as a 'little girl'. What kind of dominating, alpha male, belittling rubbish is that? You can't make a small statement about how there's 'some strong women' when you just made a massive hate speech against women being aggressive to sexual harassment, and think that absolves you from your aforementioned sexist bullshite! Quite frankly, women do not care if it annoys you that we feel the need to physically assert ourselves in this modern rape-culture society, we don't care if it annoys you that we'll aim for the groin to regain our power when being sexually objectified. All we care about is getting that dude to stop stalking, and shaking his genitals towards us. Bigger picture.
I like how you all defended me. it has nothing to do with strength. I'm a punch first question later kinda gal. I was raised with a heavy hand and honestly it affects much of how I act now. but thank you. I do adore being called a little girl when you know me not at all.
64 is it correct to say you are a feminist, nothing againat you either way just wondering
sorry for the cut it wouldnt let me post my edited comment I simply ask because some of your statements, for example "modern rape-culture", I have never heard these terms out side of a feminist context
also I failed to notice it cut off part of my original comment: 53 chop of your dick and stick it where the sun dont shine cause you wont be needing it talking like that
That's terrible but hopefully he's just a tenacious pervert and not a crazy pervert stalker
That really sucks OP.
That is definitely a moment you tell the bus operator or police officer.
I guess you could say he was a jerk-off.
Hammer time
Ba nanana, nana, nanana
interupting cow... ...moooooooo?
That's creepy and I guess stalking. Be careful, OP.
Wow, that's really absurd. Well, all I can say is... At least you know you're attractive! Heh.
I saw a guy doing that on a bus once. I started cheering him on. "Yeah, man. Get that shit!" Then I told the the lady sitting next to me, "20 bucks says he comes before the next stop." The guy didn't like the attention he was getting and stopped. WTF is wrong with people!?I lost $20 because of that guy.
Lol that's a good way to handle the situation. Out-creep the creepy pervert.
That was the plan. I'm glad it worked too, I wouldn't have wanted that guy to attack me. You can't fight back against someone like that... Dick hands and all, ya know! Lol
She didn't start cheering with me, but she made the bet and I had to pay up when we got to our stop, lol.
Some of them love the attentionm I was once approached by such creep on an empty bus stop, in the middle of the night. He was pleasuring himself and he just asked, whether he can keep on going, I simply responded "no" but surprise surprise, he kept going anyway. Unfortunately, there is no universal reaction in such situations.
You should have taken one more bus, to the pliice station.
I saw a guy doing that on a bus once. I started cheering him on. "Yeah, man. Get that shit!" Then I told the the lady sitting next to me, "20 bucks says he comes before the next stop." The guy didn't like the attention he was getting and stopped. WTF is wrong with people!?I lost $20 because of that guy.
That is definitely a moment you tell the bus operator or police officer.