By Anonymous - 05/04/2014 23:16 - United States - Windsor Heights

Today, I had to take a drug test for a new job. I ended up spilling the cup of pee all over myself. I had to explain what had happened, then go sit in a waiting room full of disgusted-looking people, while I kept drinking water to fill my bladder back up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 409
You deserved it 6 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Capitan 15

Your story brought back the memories.. Except mine spilled on the nurse. She was pissed.


The job isnt HazMat related, is it?

why bother staying there and looknlike anfool, you blew it already

oh, we had a drug test on my previous job. Doctors came over to our office to save time. One of them spilled my cup all over my colleague's desk.