By Anonymous - 30/04/2012 04:44 - United States - Buena Park

Today, I had to take my 15-year-old daughter to remove the handcuffs her father had placed on her as a joke. He didn't know they were real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 857
You deserved it 2 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Where'd you take her? To the police station, or to the local sex shop where you and me both know those handcuffs came from?...

Placed handcuffs on her "as a joke"? Good cover!?


In any case I'd be concerned about why he put hand cuffs on her... cos there ain't no good reasons, and one of them is illegal, the other, is that and is just plan wrong.

Sounds like she has daddy issues lol.

Jesus. You can break out of standard handcuffs with a Uniball brand pen. Take the metal pocket clip off the pen's cap, use it as a shim, and slide it into the handcuffs in between where the "teeth" of the cuffs meet the channel they go into to lock.

#78 I think I saw that on an ep of MANswers.

Nice to know I'm not the only one here with a dirty mind...

TwiztedYuri 9

I wonder what he gave your daughter to keep her quiet. OP need to watch this man very carefully... I foresee another pedobear attack on your daughter.

Wait, u took ur daughter, because her father put handcuffs on her? This makes no sense, she has 2 fathers?

Wait I just realised it's the mum posting, my bad I'm an idiot lol

bubo_fml 10

YDI. Why didn't you just use a bobby pin?

Uhhh wtf hmmm it sounds like they were trying 2 have some fun "sex"