By anna - 31/10/2013 18:27 - United States - Hattiesburg

Today, I had to take my 15-year-old son to the hospital. He'd gone out dressed as some My Little Pony character and encountered someone who'd had the same idea. They then got into a fistfight, and my son got the shit beaten out of him. I wish I'd never bred. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 381
You deserved it 9 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet he was Honeysuckle. That one seems like a tough pony.


I have a whovian pun, but I don't know WHO to tell it to...

you need to teach your son to man up....and the first step is to ban that pony shit from your house. Hes a boy... not some 8 year old little girl

In other words, your 15 year-old son got pounded by a pony.

Axel5238 29

I doubt she is serious about not breeding. She's upset her son 2 years away from getting his drivers license is getting into fights over his mlp costume.She's disappointed she hoped he was not mature enough not to fight and he had go to the hospital.

Make your son grow up. There are bronies at my college, and literally they get dropped off in the morning, go to a class, and sit around playing MLP for the entire day. A waste of time, make him get a better hobby.

You probably aren't noticing all the other people who come in and do the exact same thing only with another hobby.

I completely agree! This kid had way too much time if he is buying jackass costumes and fighting people because of it!

Oh God you see what you did? You summoned the bronies!