By anna - 31/10/2013 18:27 - United States - Hattiesburg

Today, I had to take my 15-year-old son to the hospital. He'd gone out dressed as some My Little Pony character and encountered someone who'd had the same idea. They then got into a fistfight, and my son got the shit beaten out of him. I wish I'd never bred. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 381
You deserved it 9 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet he was Honeysuckle. That one seems like a tough pony.


May have taken the "brony fist" a little too seriously...

How dare you say you should have never bred! There are plenty of people would do anything to have a child.

If he went as Twilight Sparkle then I would have fought him too.

Pathetic is the parent whose love for their kid is conditional, and when the child does not meet expectations, they regret having them. You should find a more loving home for your son.

hateevryone 14

That's crazy, what he did. But do you really regret having him?

don't say you wish you never bred! just because he was some brony doesn't mean you should diss him like that! you're terrible for saying that!

mesahus 5

What a horrible thing to say to your SON who you should always love. U deserve to go to jail

lovelessgirl 7

Don't be a bitch, he's your son, and besides that it's JUST My Little Pony. It's a TV show, it's cute and funny! It's not a big deal if he watches it!