By Anonymous - 18/11/2012 00:41 - United States - Grand Junction

Today, I had to take my little brother to the pool. He acted like a brat the whole time, and when I told him we were leaving, he ran away, slipped, and hit his face on the tile floor. He told my dad and step-mom I punched him. They believed him, and I'm grounded for two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 555
You deserved it 2 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry you had to deal with that, OP. It's not your responsibility to parent him. And it sounds like your parents aren't very dedicated to the task either.


No one at the pool saw him fall? Call him out. Once he's caught as a lier then the folks should start believing you. (Younger sisters tried doing similar stuff to me, too bad they forgot about witnesses.)

Bet money that the step-mom is the little brothers mom.

Op, I'm betting your brother's a pretty stupid kid: He just guaranteed that 1, you'll never take him somewhere fun again, even if you'll be trusted to now by your deceived parents, and 2, if you're going to get in trouble for something you were falsely blamed for, what's stopping you from doing it anyways? The worse act he blames you for that your parents will buy into regardless, the worse act you could do to him in retaliation because the punishment would be the same either way. It's like he gets to pick how you'll get back at him. ;) Not very intelligent now, is it? ;)

adamcichuttek 2

57- I see where you're coming from but I feel as if OP punched him "again", there would be more trouble :P

Just punch him saying that you couldn't bear to see him lying or something along those lines. Kidding! Whilst punching him might teach him a lesson, it could well land you in bigger trouble in the long run. If it was a public pool tell your parents to go and ask the staff how he was behaving, because chances are at least one of them will have noticing him acting like a little shit. If they still won't believe you, just refuse to ever babysit again state that it's because they clearly don't trust you enough if they won't even listen to your side of events.

I think we know where the brattiness comes from, now. Looks like you'll need plenty of witnesses whenever he's around.

I would've punched him for that little stunt and made the punishment worth it

bonsaiboy26 1

Ef that. Grounded or not make that kids life hell until he tells the truth. Embarrass the shit out of him around his friends do things that you can't get blamed for and Frame his bratty ass.

Almighty_Chris97 6

You see actually you aren't grounded for two months, and if your parents try to say you are then you say "**** off" and leave.

Doesn't quite work that way if you're under 18, which I'm guessing applies to OP since she "had" to take the little pissworm in the first place.

JaysFanStu 3

Well, punch him now. Double Jeopardy. You can't be tried for the same crime twice, so you might as well make the punishment fit the crime.

Sounds like your brother is the same type as mine was. You just need a way to get your parents to catch him in the act of lying so he loses all future credibility.