By Anonymous - 18/11/2012 00:41 - United States - Grand Junction

Today, I had to take my little brother to the pool. He acted like a brat the whole time, and when I told him we were leaving, he ran away, slipped, and hit his face on the tile floor. He told my dad and step-mom I punched him. They believed him, and I'm grounded for two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 555
You deserved it 2 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry you had to deal with that, OP. It's not your responsibility to parent him. And it sounds like your parents aren't very dedicated to the task either.


dhaxor 9

Well now you should sell his ass into slavery and be rid of him. (And make a buck or two)

My question is, how did you type this if you are grounded for two months? When I'm grounded, I get absolutely everything taken away. No phone, no tv, no I-pod, no computer

Mearemoi 14

Different parents have different definitions of grounded. When I'm grounded, the only thing I don't have access to is the computer.

theannak 7

If he's gonna say you punched him when you didn't, and you're going to get into trouble for something you didn't do, might as well punch him and yell "NOW I CAN BE GROUNDED" that way it's worth it to you, he learns not to lie about you hittin him, and your parents are dignified in punishing you.

Do something really mean like take his favorite toy when he's not looking and toss it. Just make sure nothing can be traced to you.

HunterAlpha1 8

speaking from the viewpoint of a younger sibling, i-- hm, actually there's no way i can excuse your brother's behavior.

My little sister used to do stuff like that! And now that we are both adults she admitted it to my parents

I would actually punch him. Make the punishment fit the crime.

Surely in this case it would be making the crime fit the punishment..?

Welp, you might as well punch him for real now.

KiddNYC1O 20

Humiliate him by peeing in the pool next to him and point at him.