By Anonymous - 18/11/2012 00:41 - United States - Grand Junction

Today, I had to take my little brother to the pool. He acted like a brat the whole time, and when I told him we were leaving, he ran away, slipped, and hit his face on the tile floor. He told my dad and step-mom I punched him. They believed him, and I'm grounded for two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 555
You deserved it 2 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry you had to deal with that, OP. It's not your responsibility to parent him. And it sounds like your parents aren't very dedicated to the task either.


Just serve your time and when you get out dont forget about double jeopardy ;)

Sairagna 2

And you honestly took that shit?

If that was me id be like what grounding? Beat my little brothers ass and do what I want (only because they beileved him wouldnt act like this normaly ) u dont have to do what I said (though reccommeded sp) but for the love of god show some rebellion (sp)

lebronesque73091 12
TcheQ 12

Sounds like someone is going to be choked to eath every day with their sister's socks.

Isn't it getting kind of cold this season for pools to still be open?

Indoor pools tend to be open year round.

Wow, op here. Had to go locate my old account to remember how to get on! No, I've never hit him but he realized from a friend at school that saying siblings had was a good way to get what you want. He's my half brother, seven years younger than me and the only boy so he basically gets away with murder. Plus he lives there 24/7 and I only get to visit on every other weekend thanks to the custody agreement. I didn't hit him in return, but his iTouch did 'accidentally' fall into the dog's water dish before my mother came to pick me up. She says that the grounding is stupid and said I "should have smacked him one if I was in trouble anyway!" but is still not letting me go anywhere/do anything because it was his punishment and not hers to rescind.

Chel2010 10

I applaud you for at least some form of retaliation for that. Spoiled little brats like that piss me off. I couldn't stand one of my friends little sisters because she always acted like that.