By Anonymous - 18/11/2012 00:41 - United States - Grand Junction

Today, I had to take my little brother to the pool. He acted like a brat the whole time, and when I told him we were leaving, he ran away, slipped, and hit his face on the tile floor. He told my dad and step-mom I punched him. They believed him, and I'm grounded for two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 555
You deserved it 2 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry you had to deal with that, OP. It's not your responsibility to parent him. And it sounds like your parents aren't very dedicated to the task either.


I got grounded for shoving my sibling once why because she stabbed me with a steak knife and even with the knife still stuck in me I got the blame. Personally I would punch the little brat every day until he told the truth and let him know that you are going to punch him until the truth comes out. It is the only way to stop him from doing it as he has learned that he will get away with it.

Wait,...what?!? Your family sounds lovely! Get rid of the steak knives (and preferably not into your sibling!)

Scands_59 14

punch the kid, he needs discipline! It could get worse when he gets away with naughty things!

There has to be a reason they believe him over you. Have you lied to them before? The only rational reason that parents would believe the younger sibling is if only one of you hasn't given them a reason to disbelieve you.

Yeah the reason being OPs younger brother is a little brat who probs acts like an angel in front of their parents, so the parents can't possibly believe their little angel could lie and say something like that just to get his older sister in trouble.

Keyword: "rational" Besides, the parents obviously trusted the older sibling to take the kid to a pool alone. Which at least says they don't automatically think he's untrustworthy. It's always been my observation that parents think their young children are infallible and thus incapable of being deceptive. I don't necessarily disagree with you, Doc, but I think you may be giving them a bit too much credit in this case.

I'm not giving the parents any credit. I'm suggesting either OP has lied to her parents before or that the little brother is a great actor.

doglover100 28

The joys of being an older sibling. I would've punched him for real

I would record a conversation without his knowledge tell him he's a shit for lying and acting like a teat. He won't be able to resit rubbing it in. Then you play it to your parents. Your off the hook and he's grounded for 4 months.

miyaviichan 27

That's when you start being all passive-aggressive about it. Also, stay mad about it for years and bring it up all the time. They'll feel bad about it (eventually), and you win in the long run.

I would have punched him, I don't have the patience you have OP :). Young siblings are often seen as little angels by their parents. The kid needs to be disciplined and if your parents won't do it, these kind of things will happen again.

TweetAnne 13

Sorry OP, but being the eldest sibling or middle child sucks. I would get blamed for everything growing up. But when my sister would pull that crap I'd out her in her place when the coast was clear. Take your revenge on him. If he's a lot younger mess with his stuff like scratch yourself with his toothbrush.

soyeah_whatsup 4

Its okay op you don't have to lie to the FML nation. We all know you punched that little brat in the face for being a ass. No big deal or anything.

That's why I'm glad I'm an only child.