By kohler9790 - 22/02/2012 01:29 - United States

Today, I had to tell my wife that the new "vegan" diet she has put us on is not working with my body. It's not the horrible gas, hot shits, or constant hunger that made me realize this. It was the dream I had about fried chicken that did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 588
You deserved it 3 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mega00ant 0

Bacon...who would give up bacon?!? I

She made you go on the diet as well? I wouldn't go through with a vegan diet.


G6chick 0

That's messed up I'm basically vegan and I don't ask my bfs to go vegan for me

You should maybe eat meat or anything from animals when you are not with your wife? But how long have you been eating vegan for now? Because it possibly will take a long time to adjust to it.

MissHayleyJames 7

The vegan/vegetarian argument: Animal products really harm your body The omnivore argument: Being vegan/vegetarian you don't get all the nutrients you need My conclusion: We're going to be unhealthy either way and we're all gonna die so bring on the steak!

MissHayleyJames 7

The growth hormones given to animals don't do any harm to us since it's essentially all out of their system by the time they reach the processing plant. Whatever miniscule levels are still in their systems are much much too low to have an affect on us. Also, cattle that are given hormones are leaner than naturally raised cattle so that's better for your heart. They might not have quite as much flavor but they're healthier.

Classic Excuse : Honey my boss called me he said i had to go to work right now! , then go to kfc , best time to do this. ona a day you dont have to work ,in that daytime

I have been a vegan for six years now. I dont take any vitamins or nutrients, and i dont eat any 'vegan chicken strips' or any fake meat foods. my doctor has told me i have never been healthier in my life. You do not need to eat meat to survive and i have never felt or looked better in my life. The reason i chose this diet? I battled cancer for two years and my doctor recomended it. Within six months of starting this diet, my doctors couldnt find any traces of cancer left in me. I had no surgeries and no chemo. Explain that. Although i don't agree with your wife

curet118 0

Vegan diets are rough on your body if you don't slowly go into it. You have to start as a vegetarian for a few months.

I gave up red meat and pork over a year ago and still have dreams about cheeseburgers. This is normal, don't worry.