By kohler9790 - 22/02/2012 01:29 - United States

Today, I had to tell my wife that the new "vegan" diet she has put us on is not working with my body. It's not the horrible gas, hot shits, or constant hunger that made me realize this. It was the dream I had about fried chicken that did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 588
You deserved it 3 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mega00ant 0

Bacon...who would give up bacon?!? I

She made you go on the diet as well? I wouldn't go through with a vegan diet.


I'm all for moderation over extremism, but this FML and even moreso the comments are an absolute celebration of the lack of self-control. Replace "chicken" with "alcohol" in this thread and you'd all be calling each other alcoholics. Not to mention all the "science" is largely incorrect and self-serving. I don't want to live on this planet any more.

alexalyles 6

great!! im not the only one who has dreams of fried chicken.....

I think it's totally selfish to subject partner to their own eating preferences. She can be vegan if she wants to be but she should not force her partner. Husband can cook what he wants or if she stays at home and he works she should cook for him what he finds preferable.

twkusn05 0

There is nothing wrong with that! No man should be robbed of meat or dairy! Rise up my friend, REVOLT!!

Easiest thing to do is jus dump her, can't trust a woman that doesn't meat

linnie_wesker 20

Like everyone else is saying, OP why the hell did you let her force you to go on a special diet? I'm a vegetarian but I would -never- even attempt to force anyone to follow the same diet, that's just stupid. It's like forcing religion on people, it never ends well. Although, if she went straight from eating meat to being a vegan with no transition phase, she'll probably snap and eat meat anyway.