By Liz - 09/04/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, I had to watch my neighbor's daughter for 10 hours. She wouldn't eat anything I had to offer, so I ordered a pizza for $19 + a $5 tip = $24. Her father came by to pick her up, thanked me, and gave me a $20 bill. I effectively just paid to watch his kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 960
You deserved it 19 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtfdidido 0

$20 for 10 hours is stupid. Why were you even willing to do something without knowing how much you'll get out of it?


How many pizzas did you get? Nineteen dollars is way too much for one pizza, which should have been all you needed. And I agree, kids will eventually just stop being stubborn and eat something.

versammlung 0

Dang, $20 for 10 hours? That's a rip.

aynonymous 0

uhh hun i get 25 for lik 2 hours and 40 for four... cancel on these ripoffs... and btw YDI

average_girl 0

Thanks for knowing what I'm talking about, 68... *sigh*

Jperkinator1012 0
Meowff 0

Wow that sucks. I got paid 45 dollars for babysitting one little kid for three hours. I would demand at least 50 dollars, that it's only what's fair, and I would ask for some extra money because you bought the kid a pizza out of your own money. If he gets mad or won't, NEVER babysit for him again. Eva!

kandy_fml 0

"I'm not a mathematician!" Funniest thing ever.

who tips 5 bucks for a pizza? is your neighbor bill gates ? was the 19 dollar pizza from dolce and gabbana?