By mareecasellafml - 27/03/2015 09:51 - Australia - Belrose

Today, I handed out 20 resumes to a variety of stores. To my delight, I got a phone call the same day. Unfortunately, they weren't calling about a job, they were informing me on my resume it says, "I have a dick." All thanks to my boyfriend, who thought it would be hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 436
You deserved it 4 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Proofread. Can never do it too many times.

Make him stand on the side of the road with a big sign that reads 'I messed up my girls resumes and wrote on them that she had a dick. I am the dick'


Maybe it's time to have a talk about maturity.

It's quite funny, and I'm sure that it's fairly obvious that someone else wrote this to employers, not much harm done

Yeah, right. I can virtually guarantee that no one will hire her based on that résumé.

meli1195 31

when it comes to jobs, they won't put up with this kind of stuff. if they see something like this on your resume they won't even think about hiring you. so yes there is some harm done

If you know the employer personally you /might/ be able to turn this around. If not, good luck with that.

HeadlessSparrow 20

At least the employer was kind enough to call you about that, so you can change it before sending out anymore resumes.. I hope you find a job soon!

And this is why you proofread everything over and over again

I hate practical jokes. Someone always ends up getting hurt. You just wasted your time and 20 potential employers because he "thought it would be hilarious". I think your dick of a bf needs to either grow up or get out.

I can't say I would want to be with someone who was either so stupid they couldn't figure out when a joke goes too far or just flat out doesn't care. It could also be be is controlling and trying to prevent you from working.

The question is, does *he* still have a dick after this incident?

I was going to pose the same question!