By ...loud noises...urgh... - 02/11/2011 16:39 - United Kingdom

Today, I have my first university lecture on lab safety. Having gone out the night before with my house-mates, I have the worst hangover of my life, and have to listen for an hour and a half while they loudly demonstrate the types of alarms we'll hear in different kinds of emergencies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 211
You deserved it 51 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

No one's going to feel bad about your self-inflicted woes.


Last year when I was on a comedown they decided to test the smoke detectors in every room of my halls. Set the alarm off every single time for each room and the building had 14 floors!

juliaspencer 0
Poetaster 10

If it were me, a lil "hair of the dog" would be in order. Three or 4 shots should do it.

bfsd42 20

That's the life of a fresher. Get drunk and learn how to pass classes without participating.

Everyone thumbs down as if they have never gotten drunk. " ohhh I'm to sophisticated to drink "

No, people thumbs down because they have the common sense not to get shitfaced the night before important things, such as safety briefings/lectures/meetings etc. Not because they never drink.