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By Anonymous - 23/11/2014 17:10 - United States - San Diego

Today, I have to deal with being laughed at by my mother and sister, because they keep making sharp movements towards me, causing me to flinch. This is because I got mugged and beaten last night. They think it's hysterical. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 870
You deserved it 3 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go to the store get a mask, wait until they fall asleep, then wake them up with bright lights and creepy voices.

You should "mug" them and just take all their valuables and hide them


You should "mug" them and just take all their valuables and hide them

"in case of fire, hide all your valuables... in your anus"

ahippienamedrae 10

26, I feel like "giggity" should follow that.

Am I the only one irritated at people saying "ya'll"?

Y'all* It's a contraction of "you" and "all"

llamaslikesoda 21

#63, You should come to Texas.

Go to the store get a mask, wait until they fall asleep, then wake them up with bright lights and creepy voices.

and OP will probably get beaten up again for being a "burglar" and flinch more... =x

But only if it's funny. Op must execute the plan to it's full potential. There is hilarity to be ensued.

Murilirum 23

I really like the way you think, cookie for you kind sir.

Hell yes, I was hungry. If only they could get a cookie printer . Perhaps holding a chainsaw oozing a dark blood like substance ? I wouldn't want to box someone with a chainsaw.

wait until you've gotten over that tramautic experience then have at it op. I'm sorry :(

Or, get those baby monitors and put them hidden somewhere in their rooms, and watch them. Repeat their every movement back to them, but disguise your voice. Do anything you can to make them paranoid.

I'm so sorry OP. You're family should be supporting you through this hard time not making it worse.

That's exactly what I thought. My cousin got mugged recently and we all took him out for a nice dinner and a couple drinks to help him feel better. OP's family should be comforting as well.

I'm sorry OP. Your family sucks, and if they think so little of your feelings, I don't think there's anything you can say to make them stop.

Along with the thousands of ass hats who apparently think OP deserves getting laughed at for being nervous after a mugging. I fail to see how any of that can be construed as OP's fault.

Usually I try to think of something funny to say but in this case I'm just sorry to hear that happened to you OP :(

I'm so sorry, that's very inconsiderate of them!

michaeljc7 3

My family does it to me all the time, but instead of laughing they punch my shoulder really hard, twice.

Is there anyone else you can go stay with? Find someone. Your relatives sound awful in this situation.

Next time they do it just 'act in self defence'...