By Anonymous - 23/08/2013 21:58 - Mexico
Same thing different taste
Something is about to bust
By Stigmamma - 30/05/2021 20:01
By Aciliveth - 10/06/2010 16:07 - Canada
By I'm so wet, baby - 28/11/2014 17:27 - United Kingdom
Just a prank, bro
By sarah - 28/03/2021 20:00
By slaughterteddy - 20/07/2016 23:23 - United States
By PissyPuss - 10/12/2015 21:38 - United States
By NoPeeGiven - 14/04/2013 05:10 - United States - Palatine
By Anonymous - 14/10/2011 00:07 - United States
By s3xygrandpa - 06/11/2013 19:09 - United States - Palm Harbor
By jdch_99 - 03/11/2012 05:34 - Canada - Kitchener
Top comments
I believe #9 was taking quotes from another FML. Hence the seemingly unnecessary quotations.
1. No, 9 wasn't quoting another FML, they were highlighting their puns. 2. Learn to use the reply button.
Why is everyone on fml so angry
Have you READ the stupid-ass comments on this site, 22? It'll turn anyone into a chronic grumpy ****. Take it from me.
Because we all secretly hate our lives and we take it out on strangers to feel better. ;)
Agreed 22, and 25 even if youre beign sarcastic, i believe it's very true.
Actually there's an FML that uses the same puns thank you very much.
I wasn't angry, 22, just being blunt. But as Shrike said, being on this site for a while and seeing the sheer amount of stupidity makes you less tolerant and patient of certain things. But my apologies to them, regardless.
13, every pee related FML uses the same puns. They're overused and rather annoying.
My doctors always had me drink a cold beverage to get the baby moving, but never made me hold it in. I feel like they're playing a joke on you.
Ask for a cup... Your bladder shouldn't have to wait. Plus, you're speeding up the process.
Um... speeding up the process of what exactly??? O_o
The appointment lol
You should have went to the washroom and released some of the urine. It is difficult to not let it all out, but it is possible and it would have made the wait less tedious.
Why does she deserve this?!
Congrats? I can't say I've been in your position.
stay strong op. I've been told to pinch it shut before
I would say to try and pee just a little bit, but peeing can feel so good sometimes that I know you wouldn't be able to stop.
Omg! I did this same test twice. It is pure torture! One time I ended up pulling over halfway to the test and running to some bushes to pee because I couldn't hold it any longer.