By notadoorman - 25/07/2014 18:16 - United States - Elmont

Today, I held the door open for a woman and her kids on my way out of the bank. She started accusing me of patronizing her, and when I just let go of the door in protest, she deliberately leaned in so it hit her in the face. I felt the glares from the entire bank as she pretended to cry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 148
You deserved it 4 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Box0choklitz 8

She deserved it for being that kind of person.

And women wonder why chivalry is damn near dead smh


I would have called her on it told her to piss off then walked away. People are just pathetic anymore

Screw her! Keep holding doors for people, MOST of them appreciate the courtesy, male or female!

QueenofWheels 13

I have never seen a man hold a door for another man

I feel bad for her kids. What a piss-poor example to set for them.

What a disgusting wench. I hope her children get taken away from that bitch.

Why would you ever wish that on someone! Even if she was a bitch, that is just way to far.

What a bitch! It's not that hard to be considerate of others, especially when they're helping you!

addictedtoIASIP 14

I hate "women" who do that. It makes guys think the actually nice girls are gonna end up being bitches

Sounds like Munchausen Syndrome. She probably puts drain cleaner in her kids' food too.

what the hell brought that assumption up?