By notadoorman - 25/07/2014 18:16 - United States - Elmont

Today, I held the door open for a woman and her kids on my way out of the bank. She started accusing me of patronizing her, and when I just let go of the door in protest, she deliberately leaned in so it hit her in the face. I felt the glares from the entire bank as she pretended to cry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 148
You deserved it 4 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Box0choklitz 8

She deserved it for being that kind of person.

And women wonder why chivalry is damn near dead smh


Lebeaugars95 20

She should join the Italian national soccer team, she'd fit in just fine

I think you mean the Netherlands national team. Did you not see that overly dramatic fall near the end of Mexico's game with them? She'd fit right in with her fake stunts.

Maybe she can sub in for van persie with the dutch

Too bad you didn't say, upon her crying, "She's just mad because I told her about the rash I gave her last night".

Better to just say "look a child raising children!"

People are assholes. Just remember if she's that desperate for attention she must have a pretty miserable life

ChristianH39 30

I'm from New York and can confirm that.

leeloo900 9

Wow. What a bitch. I feel sorry for her kids for having such a stupid attention seeking mom. She's probably single too.

Simple acts of kindness can back fire.

Yeah so she can really complain about being hit in the face

Perdition25 12

I don't know, I almost feel this woman just single-handedly murdered chivalry...

No good deed goes unpunished! I hope you don't let one ungrateful bitch put you off holding the door for people in future, I don't know about other people but when someone actually takes the time to do that for me it always makes me smile, even if i'm having a really shitty day.

She is a bitch. I feel sorry for you OP