By IfuSeekAmyIdo - 05/04/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I hired a babysitter, so my husband and I could spend some time together and work on our failing marriage. I dressed up. We went out. He got drunk and puked on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 88 723
You deserved it 7 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is horrible. I truly feel really bad for you. If you leave him (which is more likely at the moment) I hope that you remember that not all guys are like that.

waffles_128 0

wow that really sucks if you do split up, get custody someone who's gonna get drunk enough to puke in that kind of situation shouldn't have supervision of a child


pwnrzero 0

how'd he get drunk, u go to a bar or a restaurant that serves wine, and he drinks 3-4 glasses seriously, YDI

uberkrissy 0

WTF? It was typed like it would be funny. I was hopeful. It really wasn't. This is boring.

Maybe her husband is just a drunk. And that could be a contributing factor to the state of the marriage. As for #4. Get a life. My sex life has never been better and I have 2 kids.

So...did the night help the marriage or no?

wandaax03 0

Most people I know get that drunk to make their problems go away.. There's many ways to interpret that. Either way, that sucks. Doesn't seem like he's making too much effort to fix your relationship.

tiltwrestler 0

Wow, yeah that was pretty bad. However, some people are ridiculous- why would anybody divorce their SPOUSE because of 1 night of being drunk? Not to mention that she probably should have *nicely* hinted that *maybe* he should have stopped drinking after a certain point... hmm?? So yeah, it was a bad night, but not something to divorce after. I've had a girl who i only dated for 4 months or so (at the time) throw up in front of me- i didnt break up with her cuz of it! I just kind of went "ew", drove her to my house, cleaned her up, and helped her get to sleep. then the next day i just kind of joked about it, and told her about what happened- i didnt like hold it against her tho, or anything!! she was already embarrassed enough as it is! and im sure the girls husband feels the same way.

FreedomFirst 0

I'm sorry. I almost feel your pain - but I haven't actually been puked on.