By fire - 15/03/2009 04:46 - United States

Today, I interviewed for a full scholarship to college. In the interview I said that I was excited about the new dean because I think she’ll be able to really make improvements and bring the school back to where it used to be. After the interview, I learned my interviewer was the former dean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 448
You deserved it 22 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't be mad that you said the right thing. If there was not a problem they would not of changed Deans. Stand up proud that you said it.

Want a glass of water to wash down your foot?


cprompt 0

I agree you should know what you're talking about and you should know the major players if you are planning on making specific comments like that. That being said, I wouldn't worry too much about it...

Today, i was interviewing this really smart perspective student to determine if he should get a full scholarship, he said he was excited about the new dean because he thinks she’ll be able to really make improvements and bring the school back to where it used to be. I'm the former dean, and i brought the school to the level it is now at. FML

ase97 0

Sorry, but duhhh! I always ask who I'm being interviewed by/who I could be interviewed by for all my interviews for jobs. That way, when I research the school/position, I research who's interviewing me so I can kiss ass. You should've done that so you could've avoided looking like an ass.

you deserved that. if you're going to suck up you should at least know what you're talking about

snoopy24_fml 0

Today, one of my scholarship applicants said she was excited about the new dean bringing the university back to what it was before the last dean took her position. I am the last dean. FML.

Jarlais 0

well, at least you spoke your mind!

I don't think he can hold tht against you, ya no, freedom of speeach

a dean is like a principal of a school except for college. DUHH

showgirl10 3

How can you know where the school used to be and where it is now if you've never attended it?