By Anonymous - 06/04/2013 21:39 - United States - Arcata

Today, I interviewed three elderly residents at a nursing home, hoping to use the transcript for a very important paper due next week. It went great, so I wrapped up and drove home. I sat down to start typing, and realized that my recording had stopped ten minutes in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 000
You deserved it 6 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can probably remember the jist of what they said; fill in the gaps with plausible things

I bet that kind of thing gets old after a while.


patacus 14
FalconWhitaker 20

Ouch. This is why they recommend you take notes while doing an interview instead of relying on a recorder. That's rough, buddy – hope you can sort something out!

Wtf FML why you no spellcheck my last word -.-

hopsinlove17 26

You seem like a classy individual.

Awh. At least you have some recording to work with.

Go back and do it again, those people love the company.

onorexveritas 23

oh man... maybe they wont remember if you go back

Joey_Fingers 4

that's why you take notes on top of recording. Lesson 1 of journalism

Run back and redo your interview before your participants kick the bucket . Time is ticking

Megan639 16