By Anonymous - 27/04/2012 18:01 - United Kingdom - Hatfield

Today, I introduced my girlfriend to my parents. After she left, they told me they disapprove of her because of her supposedly lower social class. Now I have to either dump her or lose the money they set aside to pay for my university tuition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 665
You deserved it 3 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep her. Pay for your own college. Earn your big boy pants. [and get laid!]

RebekahBrooke 9


If you are that young, you'll end up breaking up anyway SI take the college tuition.

thewickedwitch 6

I would keep your girlfriend and tell your parents where to stick that money.

almost34 4

Dump her. You will meet more girls who are better than her and get a high paying job.

That's horrible, I'm sorry but who cares about social class if you like her, you like her!

Do the college bro, so many bad chicks at a university

Kinda like my situation. If you see a future with her, keep her. It'll be hard but worth it in the end.

Uluyara 6

As it sounds like you're in high school, this may be a hard decision, but sit down and really think about if you see a future with her. Is it a high school fling that you're having fun with, or can you see yourself with her long term? If you can, pick the girl. If you're just having fun, college is worth a lot more!

ajourdhui 0

Lie to your parents and keep your girlfriend (: badabing! ps. your parents will probably catch you sooner or later but at least some of your tuition will be payed off.

sportcrazychick4 7

Take the money. A girl is not worth not having an education.