By Anonymous - 27/04/2012 18:01 - United Kingdom - Hatfield

Today, I introduced my girlfriend to my parents. After she left, they told me they disapprove of her because of her supposedly lower social class. Now I have to either dump her or lose the money they set aside to pay for my university tuition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 665
You deserved it 3 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep her. Pay for your own college. Earn your big boy pants. [and get laid!]

RebekahBrooke 9


use your parents money to bring her up in social class. problem solved. seriously do you think ppl of their class would stop his son from getting an education? last thing they want is for their high social club to think their son is . . omg not one of them. gasp. people like your parents make me sick op! i hope u keep the girl if youre really fond of her and get an education you can afford that will bring you to different kinds of people that can shed light to your world. different from your parents that is

Stand your ground. No doubt your education is important to you parents, they'll back down. Fair chance you and this girl won't be together forever, but you will have shown your parents they can't control you with money.

Seriously? Absolutely no one I know who was in the fortunate situation of their parents being able to pay for their university fees and then arrogantly challenged them benefitted from attempting to win any fight at all. Are any parents, however bigoted or close-minded their reasoning, just going to hand over over £20,000 to a kid they feel cannot respect their decision or understand what a big deal university could be? No. No kid has ever stomped their foot and declared "I will have my girl AND your money!" and been triumphant.

The vast majority of people are not going to stay forever and ever and ever in hopeless with love with whoever they're dating at 18. Get rid of her and you'd be over it in a few weeks, but if you turn away your parents money and get a student loan you'd be paying that off for decades (even with the dubiously leniant terms and delayed repayment of our UK schemes) and, chances are, the romance wouldn't last anyway. Get rid of this chick, learn your lesson and don't introduce anymore lasses to your folks until after your further education when you don't rely on them for anything anymore and you're the only person you have to answer to. Don't try and keep this as a secret relationship; the romantic Shakespearean aspect of it fades pretty fast and it becomes dull, stressful and irritating.

akdakine81 2

Grown up and man up. You're parents are clearly low lifes

Stand up to your parents you punk bitch. That is if you really like this girl.

darthzerg 7

Way to have real rich douch bag parents, i hate people like that. But seriousley do what makes you happy.

If you're paying for university tuition and just introduced the girl to your parents, your either a) still in high school or b) early in the relationship. Love is everywhere, son, take the education.

Tell her of the dilemma.. Tell her that you can see her in secret and if she gets mad tell her that it is important to you and if it ever gets really serious between you two you, you want to be able to provide for her.. She should understand or she's not worth it if she won't support you because you think education is important.. :)

pscgirl 2

Dump her... School is more important, and you'll find someone there that's better and they approve of.

I had the same problem :( since when does someone's social status become important