By scotto - 23/02/2009 01:21 - United States

Today, I kissed my girlfriend and she tasted like a cigarette. I don't smoke. She doesn't smoke. My roommate does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 472
You deserved it 3 481

Same thing different taste


#36.. yeah that makes it much better if it wasnt his roommate.. so its ok to cheat, as long as it isnt with his roommate? you must be a cheating bitch, along with almost every other ***** out there

If you've never smoked, how do you know what a cigarette tastes like?

where did it say that he never smoked, he could have in the past and even if he didnt smoke in the past most ppl do know what smoke smells like, you only have to be around someone who smokes to find out.

SilenceOfTheLamb 0

i always hate roommates..

Rawrrr14 0

Busted. Go with your gut. I am so not looking forward to roommates. Do you still room with the guy?

did you confront her ? tell her to stop smoking and if its the worst situation.. uhm sorry dude

TheyCallMeStromz 0

fool, how do u know what cigarettes taste like IF U DONT SMOKE

#9 you're a genius. #11 your just an idiot and you took it too far. Maybe you should stop being an idiot.

lastminuteperm 0

This is SOOOO not an FML. It's basically like saying, "Today, I am getting second-hand smoke from my roomate."

lastminuteperm 0