By obsessed - 27/11/2009 05:12 - United States

Today, I kissed my iced over window to know what kissing Edward Cullen would be like. My neighbor saw. My first reaction was to come up with a cover story. I licked the window and wiped my sleeve over it to look like I was cleaning it. My neighbor came over later and gave me an early Christmas gift. Windex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 244
You deserved it 89 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

some people just need to be punched in the face. you are among them.


hatcher 0

I don't know if you've noticed, sweetheart, but Edward Cullen isn't real. Let's not even get into whether or not he's a proper vampire thingie... he's a straight up fictional character. Kissing a window is just going to show you what kissing a window is like. Why not actually go... date a real dude? You might get lucky and find one that treats you like a real person as opposed to that shitty emotionally abusive stalking thing Edward does in the book. Why are vampires all after underaged girls? I guess when you're immortal you don't HAVE to worry about statutory rape laws.

LOLZ....maybe instead of Windex, your neighbour shouldve bought you Edward Cullen ..!

This comment is nearly as big of an epic fail as the original post. Just don't talk anymore. At the OP, your life is really ****** up and you should probably grow up and stop fantasizing over a retarded fictional character. And even if you do, do not post it on the Internet, because we will make fun of you.

Blast, we're gonna be hearing mindless pap about Twilight for the rest of the year, huh.... Perhaps your neighbor could buy you a life. That's what it sounds like you really need.

#13. Your lips don't stick to glass. Metal, yes. Glass, no. #63. Yes, because everyone lives where you live. There's certainly been plenty of ice where I'm from.

AndelleRae 9

@ 13: No, her lips would not stick to an iced over window. The ice would melt too fast from the heat of her mouth to do any damage. @ 63: I don't know where you live, (if you live in Iowa like the OP, then my point is moot, and I apologize) but there have been plenty of cold mornings here where there has been frost on the grass and windows. I'm not really defending this FML though. This really is kind of pathetic. Why would you want to waste your time pretending to kiss a (made up) borderline abusive stalker?

kris4126 0

Wow, OP, you fail at just about everything. That's pretty much pathetic.

Wow I can only imagine what she'll try next to feel how it'd be to have sex with Edward .

KingHumanity 0

If this does not warrant a facepalm........