By Triple F - 07/03/2009 17:16 - United States

Today, I laced up my fabulous new boots and walked outside to find my hot neighbor, with whom I carpool every morning. I struck a pose, feeling quite confident. Upon taking my first step down the stairs, I fell forward. I woke up an hour later with 7 stitches in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 188
You deserved it 40 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Tell him you clearly fell for him, corny but its the truth lol

alex_vik 0

Sorry, but I don't feel for anyone that uses the word "fabulous".

wow, how can you guys say she (she, right?) deserves that? I don't see why she deserved to fall down her stairs at all! I'm a complete douche-bag and this kinda stuff doesn't happen to me, so don't play the 'karma' card with this.

God forbid someone feels confident and wants to show off something they are happy about... Everyone does this, she didn't deserve to get her head split =(

alex_vik 0

#27 - There's a difference between feeling confident and striking a pose the second you get out of the house. Seriously, when do you even see someone strike a pose outside of TV/movies?

aw that sucks, you started off your day by tying up your boots, and ended up with someone tying up your head.

Carpooling with your neighbour? Sounds like you two are young.

Why would all these people assume that the OP is at fault here? That's ridiculous. Yes, (s)he was showing off. Obviously, this clear indication of vanity caused God (or Allah, or Yahweh, or Zeus, or the divine order, or w/e) to smite the OP with all the righteous justice that a god (or God) wields over the heads of us mere humans. Obviously. Right? and ROFL @ 30.... carpooling indicates young how....?