By Triple F - 07/03/2009 17:16 - United States

Today, I laced up my fabulous new boots and walked outside to find my hot neighbor, with whom I carpool every morning. I struck a pose, feeling quite confident. Upon taking my first step down the stairs, I fell forward. I woke up an hour later with 7 stitches in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 188
You deserved it 40 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments


lalaladudodoo 0

haha this shit would happen to me but there would be a lot more people around to watch

alex_vik 0

#32 - There was really no need to say '(s)he', it's obvious OP is a female, seeing as no male would strike a pose after walking out their door, but I wasn't even aware people made poses in real life.

A) Did you have insurance? B) Did he take you to the hospital? C) If B, did he seem pissed about it? If C is false, then this is a good thing to bond over.

So she deserved to fall down the stairs because she struck a pose? Wow, I don't even want to know what's supposed to happen to people (or only women?) who have casual sex. Yeah, striking a pose when having fun with friends is absolutely evil and soul-tainting attention-whoring! </sarcasm mode> #32: you are for the win :-)

alex_vik 0

#36 - There's a huge difference between casual sex and striking a pose. Posing for no reason is stupid, but casual sex is just morally wrong.

#37: Have you even read my post!? Wow, way to go. Oh wait, that's sarcasm and you can't handle sarcasm even when it's written in so many words it's sarcasm, you might think I'm cheering you on. Oh, forget it, Literal Genius.

AutumnDevi 0

oh wow, i can relate. the things we go through for fabulous shoes! especially the ones that make us trip, sprain our ankles, and pass out in the library at school...waking up to a crowd of librarians and EMTS.............. But i still wear those same shoes anyway!

lmao yea GG ha i beat u 10 stitches from a fight and i won :p

sumtimes guys like funny chicks. hope yr stitches helped u get what u wanted. yr boots surely didnt.