By anna14 - 21/02/2010 19:34 - United States

Today, I learned a little lesson about consequences. Yesterday, I ate a quarter as a dare. Today, I tried to poop it out. It got stuck coming out. I had to go to the doctor and explain everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 148
You deserved it 49 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well at least you learned to use a smaller coin next time you decide to be an idiot

Ajjas013 6

That's RICH HAHAHAHA. I know, I fail :(


WoAhAnNa123 0

wow no wonder everyone says money is the dirtiest thing in the world!

shadowskater 0

hey a little secret theres something called a dime eat that and shit it out with no problems lol

LOL this is really amusing to read : ) @OP and all the people who gave funny comments: thanks for providing me with such a great laugh!

tothetest300 0

ugh. seriously? could someone really be that ******* stupid? ydi

for those people stateing that u can't choke on a quarter... r u stupid u can choke on any thing.. hello u can drown by takeing a drink of water... damn people r dumb.. OP. u r a complete a** for doing somthing like that. hope u thank the lord above for not letting u die or be hospitalized

Lady_Bow 4

I swallowed a quarter once.....but I got lucky and I guess it didn't hurt me enough coming out for me to remember it lol

jake316 0

ah yes case #1. be a dumbshit, eat a quarter, try to shit it out and it gets stuck. you dont eat coins you snort em or be boring and just spend em

Cnote231 0