By anna14 - 21/02/2010 19:34 - United States

Today, I learned a little lesson about consequences. Yesterday, I ate a quarter as a dare. Today, I tried to poop it out. It got stuck coming out. I had to go to the doctor and explain everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 148
You deserved it 49 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well at least you learned to use a smaller coin next time you decide to be an idiot

Ajjas013 6

That's RICH HAHAHAHA. I know, I fail :(


saranottelling 7

Ew, did you get it removed in his office? Did they throw the coin out or did one of you keep it?

drewrox 0

yea cuz they are gonna keep a coin that was in someones asshole. LOL

maybe they have a "lost and found box" like on scrubs.

Hope you told him to keep the change. Don't worry about it. Doctors find all sorts of things stuffed up there. A quarter is nothing.

Maddoctor 10

I'm calling fake, only because it takes usually two days for the full digestion cycle to take place. If it is real, then I hope you at least disinfected the coin, otherwise you'll have just absorbed tons of bacteria and germs from maybe hundreds of different people. Way to go.

galaxy87 0
SeasonedSausage 0

In Soviet Russia, Quarter eats YOU!

I don't think I'll be able to touch a quarter for sometime without desanatizing it fully first. :p

Shannankathryn 0

every body know the biggest coin you should ever eat is a nickle

Summer95 0

If it had stuck in your throat instead of your asshole, you would have died. If it had been a 50-cent piece, you would have won a Darwin award. Something tells me you are still a contender.

She should at least get an Honorable Mention!