By anna14 - 21/02/2010 19:34 - United States

Today, I learned a little lesson about consequences. Yesterday, I ate a quarter as a dare. Today, I tried to poop it out. It got stuck coming out. I had to go to the doctor and explain everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 148
You deserved it 49 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well at least you learned to use a smaller coin next time you decide to be an idiot

Ajjas013 6

That's RICH HAHAHAHA. I know, I fail :(


ur bowels shoud have been able to streach wide enough to poop out that quarter

Did the doctor tell you to watch out for any change in your bowel movements?

a friends dog pooped a 20$ bill once....

the fml does start with today stupid :p

Hey on the bright side your life is worth 25 cents more!

this idiot is clearly lying. how the hell would you get a metal of that size through you GI tract? if you really did manage to swallow it, pooping it out would be least of your qorries

Next time someone asks you to swallow $.25 a quarter might seem easy, but you're probably better off swallowing a dime, two nickels, and five pennies.

castle_grayskull 0

Why not just 2 dimes and a nickel? Less to swallow o.O