By gircos - 30/04/2014 00:10 - United States - Westerly

Today, I learned my girlfriend was cheating on me. After giving her a second chance and meeting her parents for the first time, her father said at the dinner table, "I like the other guy better." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 330
You deserved it 7 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You got 99 problems and the other guy is one.

Sorry OP. Just stay away from their horrid family.


thatgirlfml11 6

Wow. That sucks but honestly she isn't worth it probably.

Run, run and be glad you escaped from that bitch.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

once a cheater always A cheater

Usually, but not always. I won't ho into details, but I know this from personal experience.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#64- That was perfect... Was that intended?

avapaige1234 19

So you mean the other guy already met her family? Aww, sucks to be you but I'm sure you deserve better!

rocker_chick23 27

This is the reason you never give cheaters another chance.

Seems to me you are getting the short end of the stick quite often...

You will not get happy with these People as your in-laws.

WHy are you still be with her.Once a cheater always a cheater!!!!! how can she look in your eyes after what she did. OP get rid of her.....

kingdomgirl94 29

OR he assumed the other boy was now her ex and didn't know about the cheating situation. Cheating is awful but it doesn't make a person a hoe. No matter how much they cheated, they will never be a gardening tool. Now a ho... as derived from the word *****.... that is a different matter entirely and I'm too tired to lecture you on the morals of calling a promiscuous woman a ho or a *****.

At that point, you should have leaned toward the GF and whispered loudly, "Its working. They don't even suspect your lesbian."

kingdomgirl94 29

What did her lesbian do? It won't be much of a trick if he doesn't finish the sentence! maybe try Its working! They don't even suspect your lesbian stole all the forks! Poor lesbian, wonder what she'll be blamed for next.

rocker_chick23 27

#38: Don't leave us hanging, what did her lesbian do? Might take you a while to realize you used the wrong your.

Lmao. I totally deserve these comments. I hate it when people make this mistake. I could edit my post, but I believe that would be dishonest. Have fun!