By Anonymous - 24/10/2012 22:43 - United States - Lahaina

Today, I learned that despite having told them two years ago, my parents still aren't accepting of me being gay. I found this out when my mom called and asked if I was "cured" yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 345
You deserved it 5 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm truly sorry. :( Having family who aren't accepting of who you are is tough. I'm bi but haven't told my family because I know how they would feel (which is not very positive).

That's just rude. Ask her if her severe case of ignorance has been "cured" as well.


Ask her if she is cured yet of her closed minded thinking!

Nice shot at English, but it's actually spelled "**** off".

Hhh, thats an option as well, but they are his parents, its too harsh to say to them these words-thats my opinion

Tbh, I think anybody who'd say that deserves a "**** off", regardless of whether they're my parents or not.

Kallian_fml 21

Homosexuality, such a horrible, crippling disease... (For those about to thumb me down, my comment was just dripping with sarcasm. Read it again, but with a sarcastic tone.)

flockz 19

does this mean that the stuff in parentheses was dripping in sarcasm since it too was part of the whole comment? so you were being sarcastic about being sarcastic? which means you actually think homosexuality is a disease? i have got to try this trick sometime.

ApacheC424 18

I find it sad that a sarcasm label was actually required.

Kallian_fml 21

36- Sadly, many people can't read sarcasm.

19 - your profile picture fits perfectly. 36 - Some people are too literal to pick up sarcasm at all. Subtle or obvious.

I read everything as if it were sarcasm. That way when I do run across the occasional shit for brains who is being serious I can respond as if he meant it sarcastically. If he legitimately means what he says then I crucify him/her for their views (at least when they are being close minded).

OP you should try and look at it from her perspective. It must be tough for her to know how to act when she grew up in a different time. As a society, we still have so many issues with equality. That doesn't mean your mom is a bad person. When you came out her life changed too. She needs time to adjust. Keep working at it and I hope you can build a great relationship.

She's had three years to 'adjust' there comes a time when it's not about being shocked or not knowing what to do, and if that is the case she should TALK to her son, and it's just being in accepting close minded homophobic bullshit

Three years is nothing in the scheme of the years she raised OP. yeah she has a negative attitude about it and how she addresses it but she's human and there's probably a ton she doesn't understand. They definitely need to talk but it doesn't make her close minded or homophobic. It makes her uneasy probably. No one is comfortable with touchy subjects. Maybe that's just how she deals with it.

Tell her to call you up after her "homophobia" is cured. Literally. Sorry, you're mother should be supporting you.

davidn 0

Dude that sucks. Sorry. Hopefully in time she'll pull her head outta her ass and realize you're the same person she raised you to be. When will these ignorant idiots realize its not a "choice" or a disease. It's the way god created you,

Too bad thats not how God created him, because to God homosexuality is a sin and God doesn't create people so they have no choice but to sin. Homosexuality isn't a disease its a choice but often times people are influenced by events in their life and the environment around them and that causes them to "become" gay. Even then they have a choice, I've heard of several men who had homosexual feelings and because they knew it was wrong they received counseling for it and conquered those feeling.I realize this comment will be hidden because of the thumbs downs it will get, but I needed to say that God doesn't create people gay without them having a choice otherwise. If anybody who reads this believes in God and the Bible or is a Christian and you think its ok to be gay, then I encourage you to read Romans 1:18-32, and especially verses 26 & 27 where it says "women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature" and "men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men." it isn't more clear cut than that, God is against homosexuality

Keep on, you'll always find people like this in your life and you just have to ignore them. You'll never be cured because there's nothing to cure. It's the same thing with this Gay Conversion Therapy on tv tomorrow night, it's total bullsh*t.

Ugh. I hate people who think homosexuality is a disorder or illness. Sorry about this, OP. Not everyone is like this, trust me. Some of us are smart and understanding.

All I can say is that if any of my 3 kids tells me they are gay I will accept them for who they are and love them just the same.