By Anonymous - 30/08/2011 14:12 - United States

Today, I learned that I have the balls to base jump and skydive, but I still can't ask out the hot girl working at the pub. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 683
You deserved it 8 535

Same thing different taste


going sky diving doesn't mean you have balls

Yeah it kinda does. It means you're not easily afraid

Id do it but I don't know where to go

xk75 4

Well the op IS quite easily afraid, so, no, the skydiving in this case is not evidence of bravery or balls. Just a distraction from lameness.

37 and 56: Both of you shut the **** up.Op has balls and 37 Go on google and type Skydiving that might tell you where. Dumbasses

Ask her! Chicks dig guys who do daredevil things involving parachutes.

No, it welcomes you with wide open... spaces. Of course, it'd be a short-lived and rather one-dimensional relationship...

Buttsexpirate 9

Well then go skydiving with a giant "will you go out with me?" sign to conquer your fears!

rebekahah 7

Hot girls CAN be pretty scary...

Matias_Says_FML 4

#49 - Depends if the so-called hot girl thinks she's actually hot. There are many pessimistic and insecure girls out there who shouldn't be that way.

obviousboy 8

Look at the bright side. The rejection won't be personal, it'll be cuz she already has a boyfriend. The worse she can say is no. And she'll be flattered either way. :P

xk75 4

It might be personal, we don't know what the OP looks like.

cummbubble 0

just pull out your wang she will have to say yes then

Girls love confidence. Even if you're not that confident then fake that you are. You're overthinking it. If she says no then shrug it off and try talking to another girl.